Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Life in the Woods

I'm reading Doc Meldrums book Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science. It's a really compelling and interesting read.

I tend to agree with Dr. Meldrum when he says that while he does not necessarily believe in the existence of bigfoot, there is enough evidence out there of it's possible existence to warrant further exploration.

I included a couple things in this image largely associated with the bigfoot phenomena. The branch "Squatchy" is dropping with it's right hand is associated with the reported "wood knocking". It's believed that this may be a method for long range communication/location of other Squatchys. This is a behavior associated with some primate species.

The other is the the rock it's picking up with it's left hand; reports have campers and hikers, etc. having rocks, pine cones and other sundries lobbed at them by unseen forces. This is also a behavior associated with some primate species.

11 x 14 100 LB. Vellum Bristol Board. Pencils and inks took about 5 to five and a half hours.

F.Y.I. - a commission of this sort (minus the copy, since that bit was done digitally) would be $50.00


Inked in Red said...

Arggghghsfdhgd! Me like to play footvall in foresstt!!!

Unknown said...

You love it...
Football in the forest, that is...

Inked in Red said...

Pretty sure it's "footfall". >:)

Unknown said...

I've heard it both ways. ;) Anyway, just think of the day when WE are out looking for Squatchy - Epic-ness will ensue!