Sunday, September 27, 2009

More Vintage

This is more "vintage" line of images I've been working on lately. I set this one up to look like one of the old pulp style comics from the 50's; kind of in the vein of the 50's movie serials about aliens and monsters.
This one is true CMYK color half tone (converted back to RGB to be posted online). I used the black line art as a key layer. After selecting the colors in photoshop I copied and pasted them to a new file, converted it to CMYK and applied the color half-tone to it. Then I copied the key layer (the black line art) and pasted that in over the colors, lining them up as I did so. Then I modified my selection of the key layer by a 1 pixel expansion and filled it with black again (to beef up the line art darks). I went on to photoshop in the "aged" wrinkles and dings in the cover and the result is what we see here.
I REALLY like this look. I think it has a lot of potential in a more fine arts oriented area. I know this is hardly an original thought *COUGHRoyLichtensteinCOUGH* but I feel the artificial aging of modern images holds a great deal of potential.