Saturday, October 17, 2009

More Fun From the Sketchbook

I had originally drawn this one with skyscrapers popping up over the hills and mesas in the background but I felt they were poorly placed and thought out.

I was going to call it 5 Yard Penalty (for encroachment). If you're a football fan you'd get it...

That idea had whimsy and I liked it but I believe I like this version better with the only sign of invading modernity being the rather native looking mans cigarette.

Not only is that lone smoke a sign of an ever encroaching modern world but it is also outstandingly bad for him. Not unlike modernity in my humble opinion...

Pencils and inks took about 3 and a half hours.

This one could look quite rad with the experienced hand of a top notch colorist. My
skills at digital color are alright but I've seen some guys who could light up an image like this like a roman candle...